Lawley’s Week!

Wow, what a busy week we have had in Lawley!  This week has been arts week, and all the children have been excited showing off their art skills!  Our focus in Lawley has been Georges Seurat, the artist who created Pointillism.  In our English lessons we have carried out research on Georges Seurat using the Chrome Books, and creating a fact file based on our findings.  In the afternoons we have planned our own Pointillism dinosaur pictures, then made them using paint and cotton buds, they really do look fantastic!  We have also planned, created and evaluated our own Christmas glitter baubles ready for next weeks Christmas Fayre.  In Maths, we have been looking at money, with children developing their knowledge on coins and notes, their values and selecting the right amount of money.  In ICT, children followed a set of codes (known as algorithms) to create a haunted house background with four characters.  They then had to enter commands to make the characters to move!  In PE with Mr Smith, the children completed a hockey session, developing their ball control.

Our star of the week is Karla-May, who has demonstrated excellent reading and phonics skills.  Karla-May only joined our school in October and has settled in beautifully.  She is growing in confidence every day with reading, as well as using her phonics knowledge for reading and in her writing.  Well done Karla-May.

A huge thank you to Mrs Morgan for purchasing a real Christmas tree for class.  We have all had fun decorating it, as well as having our elf return to class, although he’s spending 7 days in isolation just to be safe!

Remember it is our annual Christmas Lunch on Wednesday.  Please can you let me know if your child wishes to have a Christmas Lunch so I can let the kitchen staff know the correct numbers.  Thank you.