Welcome back Stiperstones.

Welcome back Stiperstones to the Spring term, I hope you all had a restful Christmas break. We have an exciting term ahead of us, studying the Pharaohs and Ancient Egypt, exploring forces in science, and developing our mathematical knowledge further.

Our English focus for the next four weeks, is a descriptive narrative based on a short video clip about an Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh.

Lesson One:

To describe the appearance of the Egyptian Pharaoh and inference her thoughts and feelings.

The children are to create a mind map of different adjectives to describe the Pharaoh’s appearance and what she may be thinking or feeling at the beginning of the video clip. The children may then begin to write detailed sentences, using the adjectives from their mind map, to describe the Pharaoh and her feelings.

Maths lesson:

Our new block of learning in maths is multiplication and division, in our first lesson, we will be exploring multiples.

Below, is a short teaching video, to help remind you of what a multiple is.

Aut5.8.1 – Multiples from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Click on the link below to access the worksheet to complete for today’s learning:

multiples lesson one worksheet multiples lesson one worksheet

Topic lesson

Today, we are going to be exploring the Ancient Egyptians, by creating a fact file.

Click on the link below to access a PowerPoint that will help you create an Ancient Egyptian fact file:
