Home learning for Haughmond – Tuesday 5th January – Here we go again!!!

I am so sorry – we have missed such an exciting day that I had planned for us all today – A Victorian School Day. However – this is a 12 week topic – so hopefully we will have a chance to do this day again.

Our new topic on the Victorian Revolution is an exciting topic and I was really looking forward to teaching you. Our book this term is Street Child and it is such a fantastic story based on real life events that happened during Victorian times.


Queen Victoria was very young when she came to the throne and lived through a long reign.. Your first task is to make a fact file about her life. – key facts.

I have also set you all A 2 Do task on a Reading Comprehension called Ollie and the Great Stink.  Read the Chapter please and complete the questions. (Purple Mash)

For those with no internet, do the first reading comprehension from the book that is in your pack..


We need to carry on with fractions.

Watch this teaching video first and then have a go at the worksheet.

Aut6.9.5 – Add and subtract fractions (1) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Y6-Autumn-Block-3-WO5-Add-and-subtract-fractions-1-2019  – Here is the worksheet.

I will post spellings on here tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone!