Daily Maths for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

As you are aware we will be teaching remotely, to continue where we left off in December, we will continue the Maths lessons from White Rose. They contain a video link and a worksheet.  I will be posting daily Maths for you to work from.See below the work set for both Long Mynd and Hawkstone for tomorrow.

Long Mynd please focus on Year 1 and Year 3

Hawkstone please focus on Year 4 for now.


Year 3:


See below for work sheets to accompany the video –


Year 1:

See below for work sheets to accompany the video –



Hawkstone –

See below for work sheets to accompany the video –


Please work through the questions and have a go, if you need any help please don’t hesitate to contact Miss Hutson or Miss Kerr through Dojo. Thank you and  keep safe.