Welcome back Lovely Lawley!

Good afternoon Lovely Lawley, I hope you are all well and staying safe.

Here is a little hello video from me, Mrs Thompstone:

I will be setting daily home learning on a daily basis through our class page on the school website. I will also post a link here on dojo. It is essential that all children participate in our home learning program. Photographs (with no one else in the background) can be taken of work completed and sent to me via dojo or (preferably) our class email:


If you do not have access to our home learning online, please do let me know as I can arrange a printed pack for you to collect. Everyone should also have passwords for the following programmes. If you have not, please do message me and I will find them for you:
– Mathletics
– Bug Club/Active Learn
– Purple Mash
– TT Rock Stars/Numbots

I will be holding weekly class zoom meetings where all members of Lawley are expected to join, and will be posting regular learning videos for you to watch. Let’s get through the next six weeks together, stay in regular contact and have fun with our learning.

Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Thompstone and Mrs Morgan