Monday’s Learning

English Lesson One: 

Over the next two weeks, our English lessons will be based around the book, ‘What We’ll Build’ written by Oliver Jeffers.

Click on the link below to access today’s learning. Have a go at completing the activities on the PowerPoint, before viewing the audio book.

Oliver Jeffers has written another lovely book (1)



Maths Lesson One:

Firstly, try to complete today’s fluent in five below as a mathematical warm up:

For this lesson, we will be learning about prime numbers.

Please watch the video below to give you guidance on how to work out a prime number.

Aut5.8.5 – Prime numbers from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, please click the link to access today’s worksheet on prime numbers and complete the questions:

prime numbers worksheet one

Afternoon Topic Lesson One:

For the rest of this week, our topic will be based on the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark, therefore each afternoon lesson will be based on exploring this story and it’s hidden meanings.

Please watch the video clip below in order to listen to the story of Noah’s Ark.

During today’s topic lesson, we will be exploring the symbols demonstrated in the story of Noah’s Ark to begin to understand the hidden meaning behind aspects of the story.

Please click on the link below, to follow the PowerPoint and complete the activities set on each slide as you work through the learning.

Noah’s Ark topic PowerPoint, symbol meaning


PE with Callum Wright