Thursday 7th January – Stickman Work – Literacy

Watch this version of the story with your child.

There are lots of rhyming words in the story. Rhyming words are words that sound the same. At the start of the story Stickman goes for a jog but then he is picked up by a dog. Dog and jog rhyme. They sound the same.

Cygnets (Reception) and Clee Reception – Please think of rhyming pairs and say them with your grown up. For example, your grown up might say jog and then you say dog. Here are some rhyming pairs to help you. Grown – ups, you might need to prompt your child a bit by saying the first sound of the rhyming word.


Here is a link to a rhyming game you might like to play with your child. 

Please also read a bug club book and complete 2 pages of your phonics home learning book.

Swans (Year 1) – Can you pretend to be stickman? I want you to pretend that you are telling your stick family all about your adventures. What happened at the start of your adventure? Then what happened? What happened next? What happened at the end of the story?

With your grown up choose something that happened at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the story. Please draw a picture to show what is happening in that part of the story and then write a few sentences telling me what is happening. Remember to use your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Sound out each word carefully to include as many sounds as you can. Remember how to spell the red tricky words you know. Your work might look a little bit like this.

Please also practise the spellings that I set for this week. They can be found in the Earls Hill Spellings section of the website.

Please complete some pages of your phonics books and read a Bug Club book.

Swans – I have Year 1 book packs at school. Once your child has completed the ones they have at home I can replace them with these. Please let me know.