Thursday 7th January – Maths

Start off by warming up and singing this number song.

Cygnets (Reception) and Clee Reception

Look at these pictures and carefully count the objects. Can you carefully write the number? Try to make sure the number is facing in the right direction and formed correctly.


Play this game – 

You will need to count the underwater creatures and match to the correct number!

Play a number hunt game. Call out a number and challenge your child to go and collect that many of an item. For example, you might say 5 and challenge your child to collect 5 spoons, or challenge your child to count out 8 building blocks, or 4 socks!

Swans – Feel free to complete the above activities.

Please complete the 2do that has been set on Purple Mash for you. You need to look at the tens frames and work out how many more dots are needed.

Thank you for those who completed the 2do on Purple Mash and sent photos of the written maths work their child completed yesterday. Following on from that, I’d like you to complete the following task. Please write the numerals 1-20 on one side of a sheet of paper. On the other side write the number words. Please don’t put them in order. I’d like your child to match the number word to the numeral. It should look a little like this.

Thank you to those Year 1 children who have logged onto and played the Numberbots game. Some of you have amazing scores! Please could you all log on and complete a bit more of the game today. If you need me to tell you your login details again please let me know.