Home Learning Friday 8th January 2021

What an unusual start to the new year. I hope that you are all managing to keep up with your home learning.

I would like you to log onto TTRockstars and practise your times tables, I am tracking your progress! You may also like to log onto ‘Hit the Button’.


English Home Learning

Each Friday I will set a quiz as a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash this is so that you can practise your weekly spellings.

You will also have a reading comprehension to complete. Below are both Year 2 and Year 3 comprehension sheets:

Don’t forget that from Monday, Read, Write Inc. Phonics sessions are streamed live on Youtube. The schedule is below along with a link. It may be useful revision for some of you.

ruth miskin schedule


Finally on a Friday afternoon, I would like you to relax with some mindfulness with the ‘Zen Den’: