Friday 8th January – Stickman Literacy

Here is the story for you to hear again.



Literacy – Cygnets (Reception) and Clee Reception
How do you think stickman felt at the end of the story, when he was back in the family tree with his Sticklady love? How do you think he felt like this during the story when he was being used as a flag, nest or a snowman’s arm?

This is a speech bubble. It is used in books to show who is speaking.

On this picture, Stickman is talking. Can you read what he is saying?

Today I’d like you to draw a picture of Stickman from the story. Perhaps you can draw him as a flag, or in the fireplace, in the dog’s mouth or back in the family tree. You can choose. When you have drawn the picture, think about how Stickman is feeling. Can you draw a speech bubble and write in it I am Stickman. I am….. and write the feeling word. It might be sad, scared, happy, worried, or any other words you can think of.

Grown – ups, please encourage your child to sound out the words. Encourage them to write any of the sounds they can hear.

Please also read a Bug Club book.

Swans (Year 1) – Please complete the same activity as above but for two different pictures. I’d like you to extend your sentences. You could write ‘I am Stickman. I am happy because I am home.’ Or ‘I am Stickman. I am scared because the dog has got me.’

Please have a go at the spellings that were set for this week – let me know how you get on!

Please also read a Bug Club book.

Here are some links to some online phonics games your child will enjoy playing.