Monday 11th January Earls Hill (Year 1) Maths

Start by singing this song to practise counting in tens.

Here is a 100 square, Can you see the 10’s numbers are highlighted. Can you count in tens to 100 using this number square to help? Can you do it without the 100 square?


Please watch and join in with this maths lesson. You will be learning about tens and ones. They do use a work sheet which I will attach. If you can print it off to complete, please do. Otherwise, you could try to copy the main parts of the sheet (it does not have to look exactly the same!) or you could just use it to look at and write your answers on a piece of paper.

Here is the worksheet. 

Now I’d like you to use your number cards to 20 (from your resource pack). Turn one over – make number using counters and 2 tens frames. So if you turn over the number 14, your tens frames should look like this

Now write out how you have made 14.

10 + 4 = 14 (one ten and 4 ones)

Repeat with other number cards.

Please send me photographs of your work so I can see how you are getting on and give you Dojo points. If you have any questions, ask your grown up to message me on Dojo or by email.