Wednesday 13th January. Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Here is our story again.

Yesterday we used this to create a plan of where we imagined the door leads to.

Have you got your plan? This was my plan.

We used adjectives yesterday to describe our imaginary place. My beach land was hot, sunny, quiet and calm. Today I am going to put those adjectives into sentences. I am going write descriptive sentences about where I think the door leads.

I think the door leads to a hot beach. The beach is quiet. The beach is calm. It is sunny on the beach. 

I have written those sentences and used the tricky words ‘I’ ‘to’ and ‘the’. You have tricky words on your letter and word mats to help you to spell them correctly.

I have used my phonics and Fred talk to sound out the other words so that I have written all the sounds I can hear.

  • b – ea – ch.
  • th – i – nk
  • l – ea- d- s

If the word you want to write has sounds you are not sure of, look at your sound mat to help you. Ask your grown up if they can help or you can message me on Dojo.

Try your best to write sentences telling what you imagine the place is like that the door leads to. Please send pictures of your work.

Please read another Bug Club book today.

Play a game with the red tricky word cards from your resource pack. Cut them up and play a reading pairs matching game.

Don’t forget to keep practising your spellings for this week.