Monday 11th January – Haughmond home learning.

Good morning everyone. I hope you can all join in our Zoom meeting this morning.

This meeting will take place at 9.30

The ID is         961 261 4391

The Password is Hello




It is the start of our new Whole School English topic. .  Oliver Jeffers has written another lovely book   Press this link before we read the book together.

Now – if you can access You tube here is the link to read the remainder of the book, written by Oliver Jeffers What We’ll Build   –



Aut6.10.4 – Add Fractions from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


RE    Noah’s Ark                                            

We are also starting a new RE whole school topic on Bible Stories. The first story is Noah’s Ark – Follow this link on Youtube to listen to the story.

Here is the power point link to follow on from the story and to work through.

Write down your reflections and illustrate with coloured pictures please.  Miss Hutson will be displaying them at school and we will also be putting up a display on the Year 5/6 board.

. Ark topic powerpoint, symbol meaning 2 (3)

Have a great day!   Stay safe!