Thursday 14th January – Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Here is Miss Wright reading the story ‘What We’ll Build’ by Oliver Jeffers.

Look at this picture from the book. It is talking about the future. The word future means somethings that is going to happen, it has not happened yet. In the future, you will go into year 2. In the future you will go to secondary school (maybe the Marches school). In the future, you will be a grown up.

What things can you see in the picture? What do you think the future holds for the story characters?


What do you imagine for your future? What will you do when you have finished Holy Trinity? When you have finished secondary school, do you think you will go to college or university? What job will you have when you are a grown up? Where will you live? Do you think you would like to be a mummy or a daddy when you are older? Will you travel to exciting places? The future can be anything you want it to be!

Write about your future for me. You will need to write using full sentences. Follow this link to BBC Bitesize to learn about how sentences work.

Start your writing your sentence with this sentence starter –  In the future I will… and then tell me your plans. They can be as exciting as you can imagine.

Your sentences might say something like this.

In the future I will be an astronaut. I will visit space in my rocket. In the future I will live with my friends in a big house. We will have lots of fun!

Make sure you use capital letters and full stops. You might even remember to use an exclamation mark if you need to. Don’t forget finger spaces between your words. You have letter and word mats to help you to spell tricky words. Use your Fred Talk to help write as many phonics sounds from the words as you can. Use your letter mat to make sure your letters are formed correctly. Ask your grown up to write the word ‘future’ for you to copy so that you can spell it correctly.

Send me a picture of your work on Dojo!

Don’t forget to read a Bug Club book, and work towards completing the first phonics book that came home.