Tuesday 12th – Home learning for Haughmond.

Good morning everyone. Hope you are all well. It was so lovely to see you all on Zoom yesterday!


Please get an adult to test you on your spelling and let me know your results!

Here are next week’s spellings Year6Spring1Week2LSCWC


We are continuing with the Story of –  What We’ll Build by Oliver Jeffers today. Please make sure your page is filled with different meanings of BUILD. from some examples that were sent yesterday – some of you had just put one!

Tuesday 11th January English online

Open up the Power point first before playing the song below.

Miss Earnshaw is going to guide you through today’s maths – so look out for her clip on Dojo today.


More fractions!!! – We will defeat them!!!!!

Aut6.10.5 – Subtract mixed numbers from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Here is your worksheet for today. Y5-Spring-Block-2-WO13-Subtract-mixed-numbers-2019 (1)


We are continuing from yesterday – to write up the story of Noah’s Ark.

Use the Template 2 from the sheets provided. you can find pictures from the internet to retell your story or draw your own.

Re write the Story of Noah’s Arc (1)


Have a great day today. I’m really looking forward to reading your story flashbacks.