Tuesday 12th January 2021. Afternoon Home Learning – Noah’s Ark


Our afternoon learning is linked to Noah’s Ark. Here is the story again


Noah took two of many different types of animals onto the ark with him. Do you think animals usually live on an ark? Animals live in different habitats. A habitat is a place that an animal lives. It provides the animal with food, water and shelter. There are many different sorts of habitats around the world from forests to grasslands and from mountain slopes to deserts. Different habitats are home to different animals.

Watch this video to see see the different habitats that some animals live:


This afternoon I would like you to choose an animal from Noah’s Ark and find out about it’s habitat; you can search in books or magazines or find out by using a computer, iPad, tablet or phone. You can take some photographs of what you’ve found out, draw a picture or make the habitat if you have the materials you need. You can send these to me via the Class Dojo or email.