Wednesday 13th January 2021. Maths Home Learning for Clee Class and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets).


Today we are going to start our Maths by singing and joining in the actions while we count to 100

Now we are going to join singing ‘Five little speckled frogs’


Today we are going to be making sure that everyone understands counting to 6. The focus of this lesson is numbers 4, 5 and 6. We will briefly recap one more, one less, ordering, conservation of number and introduce counting out a specified number of items from a larger group.

You will need these resources from your pack to help you with the lesson:

  • Small objects you can use as counters (Lego pieces, blocks, coins, buttons, pieces of dry pasta, small toy animals etc.)
  • Pencils
  • Scissors
  • Printed worksheet  maths-eyfs-lesson-mat-yr-u3-l10

Now please watch this video from the Online Oak Academy


To extend the activity you could ask your child to draw the correct number of flowers, frogs, trees or birds to make sure there are a higher number of them. For example can they make sure there are 8 of everything in the picture.