Monday’s Learning

Good morning Stiperstones. I hope you are all well and looking forward to another exciting week of learning. Well done to all of you, for all your hard work at home over the last week.

This week, we are continuing to learn more about flooding in relation to the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark but also exploring how this story shows us the importance of looking after  our planet, so we will also be looking into climate change and animal habitats.

We will also be continuing to study the Oliver Jeffers book we looked at last week in English and multiplication and division in Maths.

Have a great week everyone and keep up the hard work.

English lesson one:

For this weeks English lessons, we will be continuing to learn about the Oliver Jeffers book ‘What We’ll Build’.

For today’s lesson, we will be exploring the notion of friends and foes and looking at key figures that have demonstrated attempts to create peace between groups of people.

Please follow the link below to access today’s PowerPoint and complete the activities as you go through the slides.

Monday 18th January English lesson

Maths lesson two:

Firstly, please complete today’s fluent in five below to get you ready to begin the rest of today’s maths learning.

Following on from learning how to multiply a number by 10 and 100, for today’s lesson we will continue multiplying by these numbers but also progress onto learning to multiply a number by 1000.

Please watch the video clip below to help you understand how to multiply a number by 1000.

Aut5.9.5 – Multiply by 10, 100 and 1,000 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched this video clip, please click the link below to find the worksheet on today’s learning which I would like you to complete.

18.01.21 worksheet multiplying by 1000

Afternoon topic lesson:

Following on from last weeks learning about the Biblical story Noah’s Ark and how the flooding in the story was caused, this week we are continuing to learn about floods and other important features of the story that effect the World we live in.

For today’s afternoon lesson, we are going to learn about how floods are prevented and you will then be designing your own way of trying to prevent a flood.

Please follow the link below to access the PowerPoint which will help you with today’s learning and complete the activity set on the PowerPoint.

Flooding prevention PowerPoint