Tuesday’s Learning

English lesson Two:

During today’s English lesson, we will be exploring fantasy and real world innovation in relation to the Oliver Jeffers book.

Please click the link below to access today’s learning and complete the tasks set within the PowerPoint.

Tuesday 19th January English lesson

Maths lesson Two:

Firstly, please complete the fluent in five maths below warm up for today.

For Today’s learning, following learning how to multiply numbers by 10, 100 and 1000, we will now be learning about dividing numbers by 10.

Aut5.10.1 – Divide by 10 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

19.01.21 worksheet dividing by 10

Afternoon topic lesson:

For this afternoon’s topic lesson, we are continuing to learn more about floods therefore today, we would like you to learn about flooding that occurs around the World and the impact it has on the environment and people that live in these areas.

Please follow the link below to access today’s PowerPoint. The task for today is for you to create a poster or leaflet all about a place in the World that is prone to flooding. Please make your way through the PowerPoint below which will help to give you some guidance on completing this task.

Tuesday 19.01.21 lesson Flooding around the world