Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone


Listen to the story again.

Look at the illustration below and imagine this is a door to your favourite place.

Have a think :- Where is your favourite place? Why is it your favourite place? How does it make you feel when you there?

Today we would like you write a paragraph describing your favourite place.  Remember to use  full stops, capital letters and focus on adding expanded noun phases within your work.


See the example below:-

My favourite place is at the seaside. The frothy, blue-green salt water crashes into the setting sun reflected shoreline in waves. It makes me feel calm and relaxed when sitting on the soft, shimmering sand.

Please find the link to the worksheet below.


Please send you work as always via class Dojo or the class email.

Any questions please don’t hesitate to ask

Many thanks

Miss Kerr and Miss Hutson