Tuesday 19th January – Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Good morning everyone!

Here is our story again.

Look at this picture from the book

It talks about a safe place, a favourite place.

Today we are going to be talking about our favourite places. One of my favourite places is my living room, with my dogs next to me! Do you have a favourite place? Tell your grown up about your favourite place.

Maybe it is a sunny beach:

Perhaps it is in your garden?

Or maybe it is snuggling up on the sofa to watch your favourite TV program!

Today, I would like you to think about your favourite place. Why is it your favourite place? Are your favourite people there? Does it have good things for you to do? Do you feel safe and cosy there? Perhaps you have happy memories of the place?

Please write, telling me about your favourite place. Start with

My favourite place is…… and then tell me why.

You could use the connecting word ‘because’ in your work. Don’t forget what we talked about in our sentence writing yesterday. Remember your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Use Fred Talk and your sound mats to make your writing as accurate as you can.

Your work might look like this.

Once you have done your writing, please draw a picture of your favourite place.

I can’t wait to hear all about your favourite places.

Today I’d also like you to practise reading and writing the Red Tricky words that were sent home in your pack.

Play these Phase 4 phonics games.

