Home Learning Monday 18th January

Good morning, I hope that you are all well and looking forward to getting started on your Home Learning this week. You will receive your invitation to the daily class Zoom sessions through ClassDojo, I really hope that you can join these meetings as it is an opportunity to talk about your online learning, you can ask any questions and of course we get to see your lovely faces!

Please get in touch if you are having trouble accessing these sessions.


Monday Maths Challenge

Today our Maths is linked to our Bible story Noah and the Ark.

Your problem:

A group of mice, robins, hedgehogs and owls have made a seesaw in the woods. How can you make the seesaw balance? Click on the link below to open the interactive seesaw.


Try exploring to find lots of different ways.

What else can you discover?

Don’t forget to share your work on ClassDojo.

Remember to log onto TTRock Stars or Numbots.



First, I would like you to take part on our daily online phonics session with Rosie:

Remember to log onto Bug Club to access your reading books and reading activities. I can track your progress and will aware Dojo points for great reading.

Your spellings are under the Spelling tab and a quiz has been set as a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash.

Now look at this image:

How many adjectives (describing words) can you think of to describe the penguin? Can you put these into a sentence?

Now look at this illustration from our current book ‘What We’ll Build’ by Oliver Jeffers (you may like to listen to the story again, the link is further down the page)

Who do you think is talking here?

What does it mean to build a future?

Who do you think is helping to build a future?

Whose future are they helping to build?


What do you think the illustrations represent?

What do you think the blue swoosh represents? 

What about the pink and the purple?


Today, you are going to draw your own illustration like this, to include the things that are important to you. 



Finally, I would like you to create a story board for Noah and the Ark. You will need to think carefully about what happened in this story and sequence the events. It is a bit like a comic strip! You may want to listen to the story again, here is Miss Younger reading the story:



Here is a template you could use for your storyboard, or you may like to create your own: