Thursday 21st January – Science, Clee and Earls Hill

In the story  Noah’s Ark, two of every type of animal went onto the ark with Noah. Last week we watched some animal fact videos and completed animal activities.

Reception Children (Clee and Earls Hill Cygnets)

This is a lovely website with animal themed interactive games for you to explore with your child. Your child can join animals with their babies, listen to animal sounds and match them to the correct picture, name different animals with wings, identify the senses of human animals, and label parts of the human body. 

Reception children – please choose one animal to draw and label the parts of its body. Please also draw and label the body parts of a human.

Year 1 (Clee Swans)

I’d like you to explore different types of animals. Animals can be sorted into different categories: mammals, amphibians, birds, fish, reptiles and minibeasts.

Spend some time with your grown up following the links below. Once you have learned about the different animal types, I’d like you to write one fact sentence about each type of animal.

If you would like to extend this activity, you could create a fact file about an animal from each category.

All of the following links are taken from the KS1 Science section of the BBC Bitesize website. All of the sections contain a video and a quiz to teach your child about different animal types.

Here is the link to find out more information about mammals.

Here is a link to find out more about amphibians.

This link allows you to explore bird facts.

This is a link to find out more about fish. 

Follow this link to find out more about reptiles.

This link will help you find out more about minibeasts.