Wednesday 20th January. Earls Hill Swans (Year 1 ) Maths

Here are the songs from yesterday to remind your child about the greater than, less than and equals symbols and what they mean.


Please watch this video with your child. It asks you to pause at certain points. Please do this and talk through the questions with your child. I have put the link to the work sheet below the video link for you to print out if you can. I have also put pictures of the worksheet so you can work off those if that is easier.

Aut1.12.2 – Compare numbers on Vimeo 




Please repeat the practical activity from yesterday to reinforce this concept.

To change the game slightly you could use the 100 square from your resource pack. Point to a number, ask your child to say the number and write it down. Then point to a different number, ask your child to say the number and write it down. Then ask them to decide what symbol they need, the greater or less than symbol and place it in between the two numbers they have written.