PE and Art- Long Mynd and Hawkstone

PE –
Please log into ‘TWWG’ PE channel for the next PE session with Callum.


Today I would like you to have a go at a cloud art picture . There are many different types of clouds and we thought it would nice for you to make a representation of these.


Work your way through the powerpoint and familiarise yourself we the different cloud types.

Then we would like you to have a go at recreating the piece of art work below.

Please label each cloud and write a sentence describing each cloud.

If you haven’t got cotton wool as an alternative you could use newspaper or toilet roll to make your clouds.


If you finish this activity we would like you to have a go at another piece of cloud art.  Using paint or crayons paint either one or a variety of the different clouds you have learnt about today .


As always, any questions we are happy to answer them.

Many thanks

Miss Kerr and Miss Hutson