Wednesday 20th January

Good morning Haughmond

Hope you are all doing okay?

We are half way through the week and I have been so impressed with your fraction work. Please don’t forget that we upload live videos that will help you with your maths each day.


It was so lovely to read some of your amazing work from Monday and yesterday’s English lesson. You are going to create your own timeline today based on your research from yesterday. Click on the link below.

Wednesday 20th January English lesson


Hi Everyone – Today we are dividing integers by fractions. I am not going to confuse you by asking you to watch the White Rose Video – I am going to teach you the KFC method. Which means Keep Flip and Change.   Dividing is just as easy as multiplying with this method.

Watch this video first and remember the method!

Here is a very easy worksheet to get you started and used to the KFC method! good luck!!!!!    T2-M-1247-Year-6-Divide-Fractions-Activity-Sheet

This picture is really making me hungry!!!!!!!


Climate Change PPT, 20.01.21

Click on the power point link above to find out all about how Climate Change is affecting our World This work will also link to the work we have done on flooding and the topic work for the remainder of the week..