Monday 25th January – Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Good morning Swans! This week we are working on the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.

The story this week is a traditional tale. I said in the video that traditional tales all tend to have the same story start. Can you remember how traditional tales usually begin? That’s right, they usually begin with ‘Once upon a time…’

Traditional stories usually end with the same sentence too. Can you remember how traditional tales usually end? That’s right, they usually end with ‘They all lived happily ever after’.

Can you find any story books in your house that are traditional tales, and begin and end in the same way as our story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’

Today you are going to complete an activity I have set as a 2do on Purple Mash. 

You will need to log in using your own details and then click on the 2do tab at the top of the page. I would like you to complete the fairy tale 2do. You will see lots of pictures from well – known traditional tales. Please choose two or three of the stories that you know well. Tell the story to your grown up using your own words. Make sure you start the story by saying “Once upon a time” and end your story by saying “They all lived happily ever after”.

You could even try being a teacher. Instead of telling your traditional tales to your grown ups, you could make a class out of your toys. You could tell your class the stories. Make sure  you use the traditional story beginning and end and make sure your class listen to you!

Please read and write out the Red Tricky words from your resource pack today and read a Bug Club Book to your grown up.

Here is a link to  Phonics games you will enjoy playing. Please play at the phase 4 level.

The website has kindly allowed parents to subscribe for free during this period. Here are the log in details you will need.

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home