Monday 25th January – David and Goliath Topic

This week we are using stories that have a giant in them. This morning we heard the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. This afternoon you will hear the story of ‘David and Goliath’

Here is the story.

Goliath was big and strong.

Can you remember how tall he was? That’s right, 9 feet tall!

You will be about 4 feet tall at the moment.

Most grown ups are about 5 feet or 6 feet tall. So Goliath was really tall!

Our bodies are getting bigger as we grow. We need to make sure we keep them fit, strong and healthy.

How do you think we can do this? Tell your grown ups what you know about keeping fit and healthy.

Here are some slides to help us learn about keeping fit and healthy.

It might be difficult at the moment to go outside for exercise. Usually you would spend time playing with your friends on the playground, or having a PE lesson.

Perhaps you could go for a walk with your grown up. You might be able to go out on your bike or scooter if you have one. Or maybe you could play in your garden. Have you got a ball you can kick, throw or catch? Perhaps you could practise running really fast? These are all great ways to exercise and get fresh air which is really important to keep us strong and healthy.

If you cannot go outside, ask your grown up if you can put some music on and have a disco in your house! Dancing is great fun. It gets your heart pumping, and makes your lungs breathe hard, which is great for making them stronger.

I wonder if you could help your grown up to make a healthy meal? Remember you need to include fruits and vegetables, some protein like meat, fish or Quorn and maybe some dairy like cheese, milk or yoghurt.

If you make a healthy meal with your adult, can you please send a picture of it to me on Dojo.

If you are not able to make a meal, perhaps you could draw a picture of a healthy meal and send me a picture of that.