Thursday 21st January – Haughmond Home learning.

Hi Everyone

Hope you enjoyed your KFC yesterday!

So today you are going to use this method again to solve the problems on the White Rose Maths. Keep this method in mind at all times!!!!!

Aut6.11.5 – Divide fractions by integers (1) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Here is your worksheet for today.



Thursday 21st January English lesson

We are nearly at the end of the book. Open the power point properly and double click onto  the black box and wait for a few seconds to load. Listen to the book being read again. There are some questions to be answered – but today you are going to think about your favourite things. Think back the art work we did last week.   Have fun!


The animals went two by two into the Ark.  As we think back to the animals and the flood -we are going to think about animals that survive in flood conditions and their habitats.

Take a good look at the power point and you will learn a lot more about animals in their flood water habitats. Click the link  –  floodplain lesson(1)

Have fun and stay safe