Monday 25th January 2021. Literacy home learning for Clee Class and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Good morning children and families!

I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend. What have you been doing? Have you been for a walk with your family? Or played outside? Maybe you’ve watched something on the television or played a game which you really enjoyed?


This week our learning is going to be based on the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Maybe you have heard the story before or you have the story at home. There are lots of different ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ stories; here is Mrs Dallow reading one for you:


What did you think of the story? Did you like it? Which character did you like the best? Talk to your grown up about these questions. Maybe you could ask your grown up the questions too. Are their answers different or the same as yours?


Today I would like you to draw a picture of one of the characters in the story; it could be a character who you like, or one that you find interesting.

You may choose to draw:

The giant

jack and the beanstalk » <? bloginfo('name'); ?>


 Jack or the cow

Jack Leading Daisy Away Looking Sad Jack and the Beanstalk EBook English


or Jack’s mum

Jack and the Beanstalk Writing Activity

or another character.

Now I would like you to write about the character. You may choose to describe them or you may choose to write about what they do in the story. If you can I would like you to try to write a full sentence next to your picture. Remember to use your Fred Talk to help you write the words. If you find this a bit tricky you can ask a grown up to help you or write words to describe the character you’ve drawn.

I look forward to seeing your pictures and writing.


Today I would also like you to practise writing your name, read a book with your grown up and practise reading some of the red tricky words from your resource pack.