Monday 1st February Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) English.

Good morning! This week we are working on the story of Jack and the Beanstalk again. Here is the story.

Here are some characters from the story. Tell your grown up who each character is.


Can you read these sentences? Grown ups you will have to explain to your child that in the words ‘magic’ and ‘giant’ the letter ‘g’ is a ‘j’ sound. It is a concept that the children haven’t been introduced to yet, but please explain that sometimes letters have different sounds in different words.

Tell your grown up which character from the story says these sentences.

  • I am going to market to be sold.
  • I am cross with Jack for getting beans.
  • I can lay golden eggs.
  • I sing songs.
  • I will give you magic beans.
  • I can get to the top of the beanstalk.
  • I am a big strong giant.

Now I’d like you to try some sentence dictation.

Ask your grown up to read one of the sentences above to you slowly. Ask them to repeat the sentences a few times so that you can hold the sentence in your head and remember what they say. Then try your best to remember and write the sentence. Do this for at least 4 of the sentences please.

Now please follow this link to play an online spelling game and practise your tricky words.

Please also practise reading and writing this weeks spelling words.