Tuesday 2nd February Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Do you remember the story we have been working on last week and this week? That’s right, Jack and the Beanstalk.

Here is the story for you to hear again. In this version of the story, the giant is called an ogre.

Does the story still start and end in the same way as a traditional tale should I wonder?

Yes it does! The story starts with ‘Once upon a time’ and ends with ‘They lived happily ever after’.

Today you are going to be using the word ‘because’ in your work. The word ‘because’ is a conjunction.

This video will explain more.

Here are some story characters.

Underneath each character I have written the start of a sentence.

I would like you to complete the sentences using the conjunction ‘because’. Say the sentences first and then have a go at writing them out. For example the harp character might say:

I am singing… because I am being stolen.  I am throwing the beans….


I am feeling tired…


I am cross…

Don’t forget to take a photo of your sentences and send the photo to me on Dojo.

Remember – capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and use the conjunction ‘because’!

Please also read a Bug Club book today and practise writing out your spelling words so you are ready for the test on Friday.