Wednesday 3rd February Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Here is our story again.

Where does Jack arrive when he reaches the top of the beanstalk?

That’s right, at the top of the beanstalk there is a giant’s castle.

Think of some words to describe the giants castle, and tell your grown up. Words that describe something are called adjectives.

Here are some adjectives I thought of to describe the giant’s castle.







Now I want you to use your imagination. Imagine that when Jack climbs up and reaches the top of the beanstalk, he doesn’t arrive at a giants castle.

Where else could Jack arrive when he reaches the top of the beanstalk?


Perhaps Jack might find a town full of cowboys?

Or perhaps a magical undersea world?

Perhaps he might find somewhere that looks like this?


Or this?

Or even this?

You can decide where the beanstalk leads to.

I’d like you to draw your beanstalk and where it leads.

Then I would like you to write some sentences describing what the place is like. You will need to use adjectives (describing words) in your sentences.

Follow this link to find some ideas: 

Don’t forget to write in full sentences, use capital letters, finger spaces and a full stop.