Thursday 4th February Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Today I’d like you to use the  Jack and the Beanstalk story maps you created last week. Here is the video to remind you about the story maps.

You have already used the story maps to tell the story verbally. You remembered to use the story start ‘Once upon a time’ and you ended your story with the sentence ‘They lived happily ever after’. You have heard the story many times and so you know it really well.

For your literacy work today and tomorrow, I’d like you to write out the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

You will need to start by writing ‘Once upon a time’.

Use your story map to  help you remember what happens in the story. Write sentences to say what happens in the story.

Then finish your story by writing ‘They all lived happily ever after.’ 

I know this is a tricky task, which is why I have given you two days to write your story. You have word mats and letter mats in your resource pack to help you. Here is a story map to use if you need it.

Grown ups, I am not expecting every word to be spelt perfectly. Encourage your child to sound out the words carefully and write as many of the sounds as they can hear.

Encourage them to use and spell the red tricky words they know.

Remind them to write in full sentences, so that their writing makes sense. Ask them to read what they have written to you, they will realise if they have missed out letters or words! They know to use a capital letter at the start of a sentence, they know about finger spaces and to use a full stop at the end of their sentences. They will need reminding of this though!

Don’t expect them to write the whole story in one go, perhaps challenge them to write half today and half tomorrow. Or even break it up into four or five shorter writing sessions. You will know what works best for your child.