Tuesday 2nd February Clee and Earls Hill – PE

Here is Callum with a PE lesson for you to join in with.

Our Bible story last week and this week is David and Goliath.

David was able to hit Goliath with a stone because he had very good aim.

I’d like you to practise improving your aim today. Collect a plastic washing up bowl and as many pairs of balled up socks as you can. Set a timer and see how many pairs of socks you can get into the bowl in 30 seconds. Can you beat the amount you got in if you try again?

Now  put the washing up bowl on its side. You will probably need to lean it against the wall or a table leg to stop it falling over. Draw a target using paper and pens and stick it into your washing up bowl.

Try to throw the socks and hit the target. Is this easier or more tricky than getting them into the bowl?

This is a movement lesson linked to The Giant’s Causeway that we learned about yesterday.
