Friday Learning

English lesson five:

For today’s English lesson, we would like you to continue to create the newspaper reports you began to write yesterday, to ensure they are finished.

Try to also edit your work to check for any spellings that can be corrected and to up-level the vocabulary you have used to make it an interesting report for any readers. It would also be useful for you to read your newspaper report out loud, to check that your report flows and makes sense. Remember newspaper reports should be interesting, detailed and follow the order that the story happens (chronological order).

Once you have finished your written report, please go onto purple mash to type up your newspaper report too.

Thursday and Friday planning .[920]

Maths lesson five:

For today’s maths lesson, please firstly complete the fluent in five warm up activity.

Once you have completed fluent in five, please watch the video below to help you continue to work out the perimeter of a shape for today’s lesson.

Aut5.11.5 – Calculate perimeter from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

In maths today, we will continue to practise calculating the perimeter of different shapes. Please click the link below to access the worksheet on today’s learning which we would like you to try and complete.

perimeter worksheet 29.01.21

Afternoon lesson five: 

During this afternoon’s lesson we will be creating some artwork based on the story of David and Goliath. Please click the link below to access today’s art lesson PowerPoint which will show you lots of different types of art based within Israel, where the story is based, and explain the task of how you could complete your art work.

If you do not have the available resources at home to be able to complete this task, do not worry. Instead you could create your own picture based on a key point within the story of David and Goliath.

Israelite Art