Wednesday 3rd February Clee and Earls Hill – EAD – Art and Music.

Here is the link to the second part of the music lesson about Jack and the beanstalk. 

David used a pebble to defeat the giant Goliath.

Pebbles are smooth rounded stones. They are usually found near rivers or by the sea. It is the water that has made them so smooth and round.

Pebbles are a great art resource too. If you can, go on a walk, or have a look in your garden and see if you can find some pebbles. Large stones would also work.

If you cannot get real pebbles or stones, you could draw pebble shapes onto a piece or paper or onto the inside of a cereal box and cut them out.

You can decorate pebbles (or your homemade version!) using paints or felt tip pens. Here are some ideas.

To make your decoration last longer, once the paint or felt tip pen has dried, you can coat the pebbles with a layer of clear varnish or nail varnish.

Could you use your pebbles to tell a story?