Tuesday’s Learning

English Lesson Two:

During today’s English lesson, we will continue to explore the book ‘The BFG’. The BFG explains in the book how ‘one right is not making two lefts’. We will today be looking into the meaning of this phrase, whether it is fair that the giants in the book are able to eat humans and what rights people do have.

Please follow the PowerPoint link below to guide you in the tasks to complete for today’s lesson.

Tuesday 2nd February English lesson

Maths lesson Two:

Please complete today’s fluent in five maths warm up activity first of all to get you ready for today’s maths lesson.

Once you have completed the fluent in five, please then watch the video below on today’s maths lesson which will consist of calculating the area of a rectangle.

Aut5.12.2 – Area of rectangles from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, please then click the link below and try to complete the worksheet, working out the area of a rectangle.

Calculating area of rectangles worksheet.

Afternoon lesson:

We now know from studying the Biblical story of David and Goliath, that Goliath was a tall, strong man, but what made him so strong? For today’s lesson, we will be looking into the main aspects in our lives that makes us strong, healthy human.

Please click on the link below to be able to access, today’s learning and complete the task of writing a healthy food diary.

Science David and Goliath – Healthy Eating 2.2.21