Thursday 28th January Home learning for Haughmond

Good morning Everyone!

There were many positive comments from yesterday’s maths and judging from everyone’s work, we all improved. Therefore – I will do another live Zoom lesson at 11.00 as it seemed to work well. When I am not at school next week – I will have to go back to the live videos instead. I encourage as many of you to join in with this lesson.     Your ID – 972 4954 2712       Password  – Live


So let us start with English. We are having a little break from BFG until Monday, but will be focussing on our David and Goliath topic. We are going to write a newspaper about the events of the battle. Imagine you are a reporter at the scene of the battle and you are writing your report for the front page news.

The power point will take you through the process of writing a newspaper article. Thursday and Friday.



Aut6.12.3 – Fractions of an amount from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


PE  with Callum


You are all Superheroes in Haughmond. Try and code with your Superhero today on Purple Mash. It is set as a 2Do