Yay – It’s Friday!!!! Haughmond Home learning

Hi Everyone – What a quick week this has been. Thank you so much parents for encouraging all of your children to complete home learning, it is so important. We are still desperately trying to help the children and assess their learning.

So…. Yesterday’s maths lesson also went well and we had some fantastic maths sent in. Well done. Same again today at the same time.

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Today I would like you to edit your newspaper reports and use Purple Mash to write them up. They are set on the 2Do Called David and Goliath.


Aut6.12.4 – Fractions of an amount – find the whole from White Rose Maths on Vimeo

Here is you worksheet below.



Today we are going to look at where the battle of David and Goliath took place.

We are going to use our map skills to draw our own maps.

Follow the power point below.

Where did the battle between David and Goliath take place – map work[983]

Have a wonderful weekend and don’t forget to read!!!