Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Please listen to Chapter 3 above. If you would like to read the chapter I have attached this below.

THE IRON MAN chapter 3

Today you will be writing a letter of apology to the Iron Man. In Chapter 3, Hogarth regrets trapping the Iron Man in the pit. He says,

“We’re sorry we trapped you and buried you,” shouted the little boy. “We
promise we’ll not deceive you again. Follow us and you can have all the metal you
want. Brass too. Aluminium too. And lots of old chrome. Follow us.”


You need to imagine you are Hogarth; you are feeling very guilty about trapping the Iron Man in the pit. Write a letter to express how you feel. Remember to explain why you believe you need to say sorry and how you intend to make up for your actions. Here is an example of the layout of an informal letter (click image to enlarge):

Please see worksheet below.


If you are unsure on how to write your letter, have a look at the PowerPoint below for step by step instructions on how to set it out.

Letter PowerPoint

Use the image below to help you write your letter. Remember to say who your letter is to, why your are writing your letter and make sure you say who it is from at the end. Click image to enlarge.

Remember to send a copy of your work through the class Dojo to Myself or Mis Kerr as  we both have access to both classes. Or to the class email:

