Tuesday Afternoon Design and Technology

Today you will be making your own rock bag using the resources that school have provided. This rock bag could be used by David to hold the rocks used to defeat Goliath.

Reaching into his pouch he pulled out a stone, put it into his slingshot and shot it at Goliath. The stone had hit him right between his eyes and suddenly Goliath started to loose his balance. He fell with a loud thud right on his face. David had done it, he beat the giant Philistine!

Below are 2 images of what the rock bag may look like.

Please watch the YouTube clip for instructions on how to make your rock bag.

Please be careful with sharp scissors and ask a parent or carer to help and supervise. You can decorate the pouch by adding beads, glitter, buttons etc if you have any items  at home but these are not essential.

I have attached a ‘David and Goliath’ game:  https://www.dltk-kids.com/bible/crafts/pbagofstones-game.asp