Monday 1st February 2021. Literacy home learning for Clee class and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Good morning Reception children and families!

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend?

Thank you so much to everyone who has sent me photographs of home learning and the lovely times you’ve been having as families. I have given lots of Dojo points out.


Please remember our home learning challenge to work with your families to create a giant. I can’t wait to see all your creative ideas.


This week our Literacy learning is continuing with Jack and the Beanstalk. Here is another chance to see Mrs Dallow reading the story:


Today I would like you to print out the picture below or draw one similar if you are unable to print. I would like you to label each of the pictures by writing in the boxes by them. Please use you Fred Talk to sound and write the words. Grown-ups: when you ask your children to write at this early stage of writing we do not expect words to be correctly spelt but we do encourage children to say the sounds they hear in words then write the letters to match the sounds.

Label the pictures


Here is the link to the picture with the words for your child to overwrite if they are unsure of letter sounds

Label the pictures overwrite


I would also like you to log in to Purple Mash using the link below:

Log in using your login details and select the 2do tab at the top of the page. Please complete the ‘Fairy Tale spelling’ 2do that has been set for you. 


I would also like you to read a book from Bug Club and practise forming your letters; you don’t have to use paper and a pencil. Be creative and find a different way to write them. Here are some ideas:

Letter formation activities from A-Z - The Measured Mom