Wednesday 3rd February 2021. Literacy home learning for Clee Class and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Good morning Reception children and families!


Here is the Jack and the Beanstalk story for you to watch and listen to again if you wish:


Today I would like you to make the tallest giant you can!

For this activity you will need:

  • some old wallpaper, a very big piece of paper or a large space on a floor which you are allowed to draw on
  • Some pencils, pens or chalk
  • the tallest person in your house!

First you need to roll out the paper or wallpaper or clear a space. Then the tallest person in your house needs to lie down on the paper or the space. Now I would like you to draw around your tall person (they are going to make your giant).

Our Bodies | Fleetwood's Charity Primary School

Labelling the body | Bramham Primary School


When you have drawn around your giant I would like you to label different parts of their body.

Labelling body parts | Middle Park Primary School

When you have labelled the giant you can colour them in or dress them up

I would love to see some photographs of your work.

If you are unable to do the activity as above you can draw a giant and label it:

Label the Body Parts | Worksheet |


You can also have a go at drawing and labelling your body on Purple Mash using the link below:

Log in using your login details and select the 2do tab at the top of the page. Please complete the ‘My Body’ 2do that has been set for you. 


In Read Write Inc today you learned about ‘y’. I would like you to complete the ‘y’ sheet and then look around your house and find as many yellow objects as you can.


I would also like you to read a book from Bug Club.