Wednesday 3rd February Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Good morning!

For the next few days we are going to be revisiting number bonds to 10. I’d like you to get really good at these! Let’s start by singing a song.

When we are looking at number bonds to 10, we are using two numbers to make a total of 10. Watch this video, which will explain more.





Now I’d like you to try this activity. You will need your tens frame, 10 counters and your number cards to 10.

Turn over a number card, put that many counters onto your tens frame. How many spaces are left? Write it out as a number sentence.

6 + 4 = 10


Remember how we have talked about the fact it doesn’t matter what order the numbers in an addition number sentence are written, they always add up to the same total. Can you flip the numbers to make a different number bond to 10?

4+ 6 = 10

Now clear your tens frame. Turn over a different number card. Put that many counters onto the tens frame. How many spaces are left to make a total of 10? Write out your number sentence. Now flip the numbers to make a different number bond to 10.

Repeat this activity a number of times until you are confident to work independently.


Here is a link to a great interactive game you can play to practise your number bonds to 10. Make sure you hit the green button first which says number bonds and then click to select the ‘up to 10’ option.