Friday 5th February 2021. Literacy home learning for Clee Class and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Good morning Reception children and families!


Goodness me it’s Friday again already!

Today is our last day of Jack and the Beanstalk activities. Here are 2 different versions of the story for you to watch if you wish:



Over the past two weeks you have watched and listened to many different versions of the Jack and the Beanstalk story. Which has been your favourite? Why?

If you were to write a story about Jack and the Beanstalk which parts of the stories would you include? Share your thoughts with your grown up.

Today I would like you to draw a story map. A story map is just telling the story by drawing pictures and writing a sentence or two about each picture to tell the story.

Sometimes story maps have a road or a path to show how the story is; like this one:

Jack and the beanstalk story map | Jack and the beanstalk, Eyfs jack and  the beanstalk, Traditional tales

If you would like to you could draw a beanstalk to draw your pictures on. If you have some big paper or a roll of wallpaper you could use it for your story map. Otherwise paper is great

Lots of fairy tales like Jack and the Beanstalk start with:

                                         ‘Once upon a time…..’

Your first picture and sentence needs to show what happens at the beginning of the story. You may draw something like this:

Your next picture and sentence needs to show what happened next. You may draw something like this:

Keep drawing as many pictures and writing as many sentences as you want to to tell the story.

Your last picture and sentence shows what happened at the end or how the story finished.

Many fairy tales finish with:

                                             ‘The end.’

I hope you have lots of fun making your story map. Please remember to send some photographs for me to see your amazing work.


Here is a Jack and the Beanstalk story sequencing activity for you to have a go at:


Today I would also like you to read a book with your grown up and practise reading and writing the red tricky words. Maybe you could try writing them in a sentence?