Thursday 4th February – Haughmond Home – learning

Good morning Everyone!

I was absolutely amazed by all your fantastic Dream Catchers yesterday. Well done all of you!


Today you are going to write a recount. Follow the instructions of the Power point.

Thursday 4th February


Topic: Maths live
Time: Feb 4, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 989 0734 3904
Passcode: Decimals

Spr6.1.4 – Multiply by 10 100 and 1000 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Here is your worksheet – Y6-Spring-Block-1-WO2-Multiply-by-10-100-and-1000-2019

PE – Don’t forget that Miss Scoltock has added Fitness February.

Try some of Callum’s moves!


I have set this coding on Purple Mash as a 2 DO

Have a go!

Have a great day Everyone!