Monday 8th February. Home Learning for Clee and Earls Hill Classes.

This week we are having a well – being/ health and fitness week at Holy Trinity, which focuses on encouraging our children to be themselves and express themselves creatively. We have decided to hold it this week as we believe it is a lovely way of leading up to the half term break.

Here is HRH The Duchess of Cambridge explaining the reason and importance of well – being  for both children and adults.

The online learning for this week will look a little different to the past few weeks. Rather that daily posts for each subject, I am posting a whole timetable of ideas for both classes and year groups.

The days shown on the timetable will indicate what we are covering in school on those particular days. You are welcome to follow the timetable, or adapt it and take from it the activities you would like your child to access. You may cover the activities in any order you would like to.

I would suggest that your child practises their Maths each day – Year 1s have a pack to support learning on number bonds to 10. Reception have a pack to support learning on shapes. Take from these packs the resources that engage your child, use them as you feel is most appropriate. There are links to online games and songs to support in both these areas.

There are literacy activities linked to each story. You may decide if you are going to ask your child to complete the written work. Perhaps you feel they would benefit from lots of discussion time this week, or would enjoy a more creative activity which is linked to the story. Perhaps this week will be an opportunity to develop letter formation, name practise or reading and writing tricky words. It is your choice.

However, please can you ensure that your child continues to access bug club to practise their reading this week.

Here is the suggested timetable for you to access and use as you wish.

website timetable (1a)

We will still be arranging Zoom story and reading sessions for your child.  We may even arrange a Zoom ‘lunch date’, a ‘Meet our Pets’ or a ‘Show and Tell session’! Please keep an eye on Dojo for more details.