It’s Friday – yay!

Hi Everyone

Well done for such a good week of work.

English Friday 5th February

For those of you that finished your recount yesterday, then you can edit. I noticed in some of the writing that spellings had not checked and sentence openings were poor. Some of you had not written in full sentences.

Once you have edited all work then you could catch up with your reading or watch the BFG film.  







Topic: Maths Live lesson on Dividing Decimals on Zoom
Time: Feb 5, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 977 4956 6276
Passcode: Divide

Spr6.1.5 – Divide by 10 100 and 1000 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


Design Technology  – making a catapult

David finally struck Goliath with five rounded stones from the stream and used his catapult to strike Goliath.   Have a go at making your own catapult. However, do not aim any stones at any one and only use soft items to shoot from your catapult away from other people. Click the link below for more ideas.

Design a catapult lesson, 7.02.21