History for Long Mynd and Hawkstone


Today we would like you to listen to the story of Joseph and his technicoloured dream coat and study the part of the story based in Egypt. Our focus will be to be look at the social hierarchy of the different social groups of Ancient Egypt.

We would like you to read through the power point attached below and work through the worksheet .

Egyptians Social Triangle Presentation

Social hierarchy worksheet

After you have completed the social hierarchy task we would like you to have a go at some Egyptian writing .The ancient Egyptians invented one of the earliest known writing systems. The symbols they used were called hieroglyphs, which comes from a Greek word meaning ‘sacred carving’. This is because the ancient Egyptians believed that hieroglyphs had been invented by the gods. This is not surprising because hieroglyphs were very beautiful.

Today’s task is to work through the powerpoint below and – write your name using the hieroglyphs sheet attached. Once complete can you send over your work via Class dojo.
